Investigations In Workplace Conflict
If you are dealing with employees you suspect are taking excessive sick leave, working a second job, not working safe, and putting you and your company at risk Key Essentials Investigations can help
When dealing with complex or inappropriate workplace behaviours Key Essentials Investigations can assist by investigating the issues and providing a factual base for employers to commence managing the behaviours.
Identifying the issues is sometimes the hardest thing as it can cover more than one person and problem. Complex grievances may lead to bullying and harassment, followed by predictable sick leave and this can take place in all types of workplaces.
Timesheet fraud is also another key area that can significantly impact on a company’s budget. Key Essentials Investigations can assist by identifying areas of fraud and misappropriation of funds, along with equipment and stock theft.
Workplace Investigations Shall:
Fairness In The Process Of Each Investigation
Key Essentials Investigations is committed to ensuring that all workplace investigations are undertaken in an ethical, fair and robust manner, and adhere to the principles of integrity, natural justice and procedural fairness.
Many companies are not familiar with the process of investigations and sometimes make the mistakes of appointing one of their existing staff members to investigate workplace issues, theft, or fraud that occur within their company or business. But this doesn’t always result in a suitable outcome.
Don’t waste time and money when trying to resolve conflict or matters inhouse.
By appointing Key Essentials Investigations you will ensure your issue is investigated quickly and expertly at a realistic cost and this will allow you to rectify the problem quickly and effectively and minimise the impact on your business.